How to get an “Effect” out of Effective Social Media

Since companies and corporations began adopting social media into their business practices, it seems that it has become the norm for all companies in order to gain followers or “likes”. But what happens when a new member signs on to follow a company’s social media page? Is simply having one million followers but missing quarterly numbers by a million dollars enough to make investors and executives happy? It is instances such as this that make businesses step back and re-evaluate, not what they are doing or how they are doing it, but what they WANT out of it. Gaining exposure for a company is vital to the long-term success of an organization, but is the goal to change attitudes, alter behaviors or purchase decisions, or is it something entirely different?- This is where businesses need to develop a content strategy for their social media sites.

Augie Ray, Executive Director of Community and Collaboration at USAA and Social Media Guru, explains that there are general guidelines that should be followed to optimize social media presence. The best way to develop this plan is to think P.O.S.T.:

  • People – WHO do you want to target?-Demographics
  • Objectives – WHAT do you want to gain from social media?-Exposure, Revenue, Altered Perceptions.
  • Strategies- HOW will you achieve these goals?- What kind of identity do you want people to associate your brand with?
  • Technologies/Tools- WHICH social media outlet(s) work best?

 The biggest fear Mr. Ray discussed was that companies whose sites are primarily a large coupon book for their stores or products. This does not create a connection to the brand itself, but what the consumer can get out it, which can lead to a downward spiral. Instead, Mr. Ray emphsizes the importance of creating a relationship with the consumer. It is this action that will not only allow a company’s social media page to be successful in the long-term scheme, but it will make the consumer more comfortable with the brand, which will bring in a larger ROI than a mere discount party.

This should not push companies away from diving in to social media by any means. Tim Cigelske of and the Marquette University head of social media, explains that a person’s background is irrelevant in social media because everyone is able to participate, you just have to find your niche. This goes the same for companies; figure out what kind of brand identity you want the public to associate you with and put it to action. It may take some time to understand what this whole Tweeting thing is, or how companies can generate exposure on foursquare, but until brands stumble a few times (no pun intended to our stumbleupon fans) can they finally realize how to generate their social media efforts into financial gains or even improved public opinion. You just have to set a plan, put it to action, and learn to crawl before you learn to walk.



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1 Response to How to get an “Effect” out of Effective Social Media

  1. Nice recap on some important points from our speakers.

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